

God's Word Lights the Path of Life

a.    Light & Darkness

i.      We are going through difficult times. Life is often more challenging than we want it to be. But God sees us through. He gives us a way. Alone we are lostn in the darkness. In him with his word we see the light.


b.    Once a crowd was with Jesus and listened to him. A woman then called out a blessing to him:

c.     Luke 11:27-28 — 27 While he was still speaking, a woman in the crowd cried, "Happy is your mother, who gave birth to you and nourished her breasts! « 28 But he replied: "Yes, but happy are all those who hear the Word of God and live by it. «

i.      Jesus knows what this woman means. She realizes that Jesus is important and his life isgood. But he directs what she said to what is most important: that one hears, implements, and lives by the doctrine, God's Word.

ii.     For Jesus knows that God's Word leads to life: eternal life.


d.    In the Old Testament there is a well-known verse —

i.      Psalm 119:105 — Your Word is my foot's lamp and a light on my way.

ii.     God's Word points away. It brightens my path through life so that I know where I'm going and how I should live.


e.     Luke 11:29-32 — 29 The crowd crowded around Jesus, and he said, "These aregoodtimes, and this corrupt generation constantly demands miracles from me. But the only sign given to them is the sign of the prophet Jonah.  30 What happened to him was a sign to the inhabitants of Nineveh.  What will happen to the Son of Man will be the sign of this generation.  32 And also the inhabitants of Nineveh shall rise up against you on the day of judgment, and condemn you, for they have shown repentance in response to Jonah's preaching. And now there is one with you who is far greater than Jonah – but you refuse to repent.

i.      In Jonah's time, the people of Nineveh were Israel's enemy.

ii.     They were outside of God's covenant and Jonah also thought of God's blessings.

iii.    With Jonah, God sent the people of Ninive, who were evil, a light in the form of a message.

iv.    They listened to God's Word and reversed to God and they changed their ways.

v.     Jesus announced that he was far greater than Jonah. His light and message are even more important. He said:


vi.    Luke 11:33 — 33 No one lights a lamp and then hides it at a hidden angle or places it under an overturned vessel. Rather, it is placed on a stand so that it gives all the light that enters the room.

a.     Weshould not put Jesus and his message in the basement where it is out of the way and out of our thoughts.

b.    We should repent like the people of Nineveh by listening to Jesus and following His Word.

c.     Your Word is my foot's lamp and a light on my way.


d.    John 1:1-5 — 1 In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning.  3 Through Him all that is was created. There is nothing that he, the Word, has not created. 4 Life itself was inhim, and this life gives light to all men.  5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness could not remove it.


e.     John 8:12–12 Jesus said to the people, "I am the light of the world. Whoever succeeds me does not needto wander around in a haze, for he will have the light that leads to life. «


f.      Luke 11:34-35 — 34 The eye is the lamp of the body. Now when your eye is louder, your whole body is light; but if it is evil, your body is also dark. 35 So habe now pay attention that the light in you is not darkness!  36Now when your whole body is light, that it no longer has a dark part, it shall be all bright, as if the light with its ray illuminates you.

i.      Jesus wants our bodies, ourn bodies, and our lives to be full of light, not darkness.

ii.     But how can we fill ourselves with the light?

iii.    By looking at the light!

iv.    That's why the lamp can't be plugged away in the basement. It has to be where we are, and we have to focus our eyes on it.

v.     Because the eyes are windows for the body. The light goes through the eyes.

vi.    Jesus says, make sure you are completely filled with light by sticking to the lamp.

vii.   When we are filled with the light,the light will shine out of us.

viii. Jesus means... look at me! Also focused on me and my word. Follow me and do what I do! When you follow me and have me in mind, you look at the light of the world and you have the light that leads to life. Jesus frees us and saves us from the darkness. He's there. It shines brightly. But do we sweep it away and keep it, like our forgotten objects in the basement? Or is he the best we have, whatever is in front of us?

ix.    There aremany things and ways in this world that lead to darkness and death. We, on the other hand, want to live in the light: God's light that gives us true life and fills us. This light gives us strength in all situations, in the darkest valleys and greatestchallenges, because this light conquers death and runs out of the grave. God's power is with us in Jesus, the Son and in the Holy Spirit.


g.     Paul tells us in Romans 8:6 that we should focus on the Spirit of God. TheGeis t, which is in Jesus, is given to us. Paul compares the way you live when you are led by either the Spirit or the flesh. And these 2 guides look different and have different termini

i.      Romans 8:6 — For the costume of the flesh is death, but the costume of the Spirit is life and peace.

ii.     The life of the flesh is in sin and leads to death.

iii.    The life of the Holy Spirit is life and peace

a.     Life is as it should be — fulfilled and holy

b.    Peace is true and brings us peace in the midst of the here and now.


h.     It is easy to be guided by every desire. But we are saved by Jesus and filled with His Spirit. Let's focus on Christ and let's have Jesus in mind this week. We have strength to go away from the darkness and to walk into the light. Identify one or two obstacles or distractions you have and try to fast from them in an afternoon or a whole daythat week. There are things that guide our thoughts and try to take us away from the light. On the other hand, let us strive to keep Jesus and his truth before our eyes. Use the time with Jesus in prayer or in his word. Give him space in your heart and in da thought, for he is the light of the world that leads to life. He is with you and He is present, even if you do not feel it. May he give you peace today, this week, and eternally. Amen.

Kye Courtright